Hornsby Electric Model Flying Club
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Membership Fees 2024-2025

Senior Pensioner Junior
HEMFC $130 $110 $60
ANSW & MAAA $150 $150 $45
TOTAL $280 $260 $105

Direct deposit account details (for existing members) are as follows:

Account Name:HEMFC
BSB:032000 (Westpac)
Account Number:254904
Description:(please enter your name, usually 20 characters max)
You must enter your name or your MAAA number (AUSxxxxx) in the 'Pay to' Description, as shown above, this tells us who made the payment. 
Any deposits with no name or MAAA number will be assumed to be an anonymous donation!

½ Year Membership Fees Jan-Jun 2025 (New members only)

Senior Pensioner Junior
HEMFC (½ year) $65 $55 $30
ANSW & MAAA (½ year) $80 $80 $25
TOTAL $145 $135 $55

Associate Membership Fees 2024-2025

Associate members must have their MAAA membership via another club.  Associate members only pay the HEMFC component. 
Senior Pensioner Junior
HEMFC $130 $110 $60
HEMFC (½ year) $65 $55 $30

© Copyright 2017 Gary Hoggard WebMaster: Tom Pecar